Thanks for checking back in with us!
We’ve remodeled our site for a number of reasons. First, because it was time, but also, to work better on various platforms, and to allow greater efficiency in managing the growing volume of content that has come our way.
The new Raves format is a bit different than our previous one. The updated version is a bit more succinct, with better artist tagging, and we’re able to add a couple more sample tracks in the segments to give readers/listeners an even better idea of why we like the featured projects. Our previous formatted Raves pieces can be found under our “Archives” tab.
In addition to our Raves section, we’re adding a new section soon called “Noteables” (alternate spelling intended). This section is designed to showcase more of the recordings we’ve checked out which also deserve attention, with the reviews for which being a bit shorter.
We’re also adding a Video section to not only showcase great videos we’d like to share, but also for a new “Take 5:00” Q&A artists feature we’ll be adding soon. Also, please take a listen to our 24/7 all-jazz, (with limited commercials) station If you’re looking for a station with a great mix of jazz, it’s the definitely place for you, so do check it out.
With much of the technical stuff aside, bear with us as we get back to work on getting up more of the reviews from our time away. Like jazz, we’re very much alive and well– and we’re glad to be back.
Please stay in touch!