Tania Maria – Tempo
January 31, 2012 / No Comments / Tags: eddie gomez, tania maria, tempo
On her latest, Tempo, the amazing vocalist and pianist Tania Maria teams with bass great Eddie Gomez for a wonderful album of duets. This work finds the Brazil native Maria playing as much as singing. Though the project consists of just two players, Maria’s rhythmic vocalizing and colorful playing makes the music sound much bigger. The duet covers a range of tunes by various Brazilian composers, with a musical synchronicity that makes the effort a near perfect work. Bravo.
Click here to listen to a clip of “Dear Dee Vee”.
Tracks: Estate, Sentado A Beira Do Caminho, A Chuva Caiu, Yeah Man, Senso Unico, Dear Dee Vee, Bronzes E Cristais, Tempo .
Website: http://taniamaria.net