Icons Among Us (DVD)

August 9, 2010 / No Comments

(Paradigm Studio)

Icons Among Us is a documentary film series that covers the wide expanse that is jazz today. Filmed over a seven year timespan, this DVD is derived from the 4-part series which focuses on musicians in the current jazz scene from East to West. In addition to a serious discussion about the state of jazz there are plenty of great live performance to check out on the video. In a narrative style in which the musican are the only speakers, we hear a lively discussion about where jazz is headed from some of the biggest names in the artform today, as well as some names that are more known in jazz’s underground scene.  In one the film’s more poignant scene, the camera follow Donald Harrison back to his home in New Orleans after the devastation of Katrina, You’ll have to see the film to appreciate what happens while there. Icons Among Us is a brilliant film that will make aficiandos and novices appreciate and respect the music and the people who make it all the more.  

Note: Check out our conversation with the Icons Among Us producer, John Comerford and see a clip for the film here.