Back To A New Beginning
December 15, 2009 / No CommentsThe Jazz Page will publish a new review every week in the Raves section. Sometimes the product reviewed will be current, while at other times we will be profiling a release that we think is noteworthy enough to bring it to your attention, even if it is not of recent vintage.
The Faves section is devoted to the great jazz older and some times more recent vintage that are our favorite jazz recordings of all-time.
We’ll be adding material to Conversations section of the site soon. This part of the site is dedicated to recorded interview with jazz artists. You’ll be able to listen to them on the site or you’ll be able to download these podcasts in MP3 form for listening whenever and however it’s convenient for you.
The point of this site is touting music we like, not trashing music we don’t like as much, so to paraphrase the tagline of the site, if it’s here, we think it’s worth adding to your collection.