Lorraine Feather – Flirting With Disaster
October 20, 2015 / No Comments / Tags: Charles Bisharat, Dave Gruisin, Eddie Arkin, Grant Geissman, Greg Field, Lorraine Feather, Russell Ferrante, Shelly Berg, thejazzpage.com
Lorraine Feather weaves more great musical tales on her latest release. Flirting With Disaster plays much like a good book of short stories. The literary songs covering various moments in relationships and love among other things in colorful modern vernacular. Feather teams again with pianists Russell Ferrante, Shelly Berg, and Dave Gruisin, as well as guitarist Eddie Arkin to join music with words. The effort also includes the talents of guitarist Grant Geissman, drummer Greg Field and violinist Charles Bisharat, among others. Once again, Feather dares to go to her own musical with wonderfully entertaining results.
Click to listen to a clip of “Flirting With Disaster”:
Tracks: Flirting With Disaster, Feels Like Snow, I’d Be Down With That, Off-Center, Be My Muse, Later, The Last Wave, Disastrous Consequences, Big-Time, Wait For It, The Staircase.
Website: LorraineFeather.com